You Can Heal Your Life

by Louise Hay

Love yourself. Easier said than done, but that is the basic call to action you will be left with after reading You Can Heal Your Life.
Life really is so simple, claims Louise Hay. We overcomplicate the whole thing, even when we set about the seemingly simplistic task of attempting to love ourselves.
The premise of You Can Heal Your Life is that our outer lives are a direct reflection of our thoughts. This was the big message of the movie The Secret, and permeates the genre of self-help books. Ms. Hay teaches that loving ourselves and the willingness to forgive are essential prerequisites to seeing the changes we imagine in our lives.
Would we dig through yesterday’s garbage to make today’s dinner? If not, why would we dig through yesterday’s garbage thoughts to create our present, and ultimately future, moments? This and other similar practical analogies make much of the advice in this book very easy to grasp.
An idea that I particularly enjoyed from You Can Heal Your Life is that when we blame someone or something outside of ourselves for our misfortune, we give our power away. I have read the advice before to “take 100% responsibility for your life”. The idea that blaming someone else gives them our power was totally new and refreshing to me. It helps me to see the root of the problem with placing blame on others, and why it is futile.
It may be difficult for some to hear her take on the causes of various disease states. As with any self-help book, I would recommend taking a step back after hearing the author’s stance, and determine what you believe to be true for you. You may not agree with every cause and effect that is presented in the book, but perhaps the idea that negative thoughts can be detrimental to health and well-being strikes you. When our inner belief systems are creating the outer lives that we imagine, we will know which path is right for us individually.
This book provides hope that we can shift ourselves out of our seemingly insurmountable problems by simply changing our thoughts. We must choose loving thoughts, loving and respecting ourselves, and releasing the less than loving thoughts so many of us replay over and over in our minds each day, wondering why nothing gets better.
Each chapter ends with an affirmation. As I happened to listen to the audiobook, it was nice to hear Ms. Hay confidently and knowingly reading the affirmations out loud, always ending with her signature “All is well in my world”. This book lent itself nicely to audio due to the variety of meditations and mental exercises the author so lovingly reads.
It would be an understatement to say that this book has the power to change someone’s life. Reclaiming control of our minds is the path to personal fulfillment and freedom možete pronaći na ovoj stranici. If you are seeking straightforward guidance on where to start when a major life change is desired, I would highly recommend You Can Heal Your Life.
Making major, meaningful life changes doesn’t have to be as hard as we once thought. Every time you say to yourself “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough”, try adding in an “I love and accept myself”. Namaste.

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